Over time, aging sun exposure, trauma & lifestyle factors can result in broken capillaries, diffuse red and brown spots. Laser or Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatments are non invasive and may produce lasting improvement for these problems, leading to a refreshed appearance. Photorejuvenation also effectively treats Rosacea, cherry red spots (angiomas) acne and freckles (lentigines). Associated benefits with this treatment include anti-aging, a decrease in pore size, improved texture and tightening through collagen stimulation.
How Does it Work?
Both Laser and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) can effectively be used for Photo rejuvenation. The cynosure Elite has two laser wave lengths one specific for redness & vessels (Nd:YAG 1064) and the other for brown pigment (Alexandrite 755) which can be used either separately or in combination for the most effective treatment. In addition the Nd: YAG can help fine lines especially on face, neck, chest and hands areas frequently affected by sun damage. Melanin absorbs the light which is transformed to heat. Melanin particles from pigmented lesions and cell debris are eliminated by the immune system and through crusting.
Prep & Aftercare
Do not tan or use tanning products at least two weeks prior to coming in for your treatment. Retinol, Retin A, Renova, glycolic acids and bleaching cream such as hydroquinone should be stopped 3-4 days before coming in. Use of Roaccutane within the last 12 months is contraindicated. As a caution, we are unable to treat clients who are pregnant or using photosensitizing medications.
It is recommended that you apply soothing aloe vera, wear sunscreen, and eliminate the use of astringents and retinols until the affected area is healed.
The focus area usually feels like a sunburn for the 24-48 hrs following treatment. It is recommended that you apply soothing aloe vera, wear sunscreen, and eliminate the use of astringents and retinols until the affected area is healed. Pigment will crust and flake off naturally in 7-14 days.
Depending on certain factors such as skin type, age and environmental exposure, you might be happy with 1-2 treatments. For stubborn pigmentation, diffuse redness or Rosacea, a course of 3-4 treatments is recommended. Treatments are performed every 3-4 weeks until the desired results are achieved.