

Exosomes are tiny biological vesicles that contain protein, lipids and other molecules and are used to improve the appearance and the health of skin and hair. They can reduce the appearance of wrinkles, scars and pigmentation and also improve skin tone, texture and overall health. Exosomes can simulate hair follicles that are underperforming and help with hair loss and alopecia. They also increase hair density and improve scalp health. They are more powerful in this respect than PRP.

How Do They Work

Exosomes are made by extracting them from cells and then purifying them. They can be applied in a number of ways including directly over skin after microneedling or laser procedures as well as injecting them directly into the skin or scalp. If sourced correctly, they have an excellent safety profile.


There is no particular preparation or aftercare required and are typically used as an adjunctive treatment to other procedures. When injected into the scalp or skin, some transient swelling and erythema might occur which improves within 24 to 48 hours.


There is no significant downtime apart from transient swelling during which the product is absorbed. When used for rejuvenation and hair loss, it might take four to six weeks for the results to manifest.


When used as an adjunctive treatment to a procedure such as microneedling, the frequency is determined by the primary procedure. When used for hair loss, it is often repeated at four to six-week intervals initially and then as a maintenance every three to four months.