Sagging Skin (Face, Neck And Body)

What is Sagging Skin?

Do you find yourself gently pulling back skin on your face when you look in the mirror and wishing it would stay there? Does the jiggle in your upper arms bother you? These are the cumulative results of aging, sun damage, and gravity. Facelifts or eyelid surgery can provide dramatic results, but are costly, and have potential disadvantages and side effects. There are many other options with less downtime and lower costs that are effective.

How do we Treat the Condition?

Skin tightening and contouring procedures using laser, radiofrequency or microneedling are a great alternative to more invasive surgeries for treating sagging skin. Depending on your specific needs, a treatment program will be recommended using one or a combination of procedures. The best results are found by people who have a small to moderate amount of sagging skin. Maintaining a healthy weight, eating a healthy diet, not smoking, drinking alcohol in moderation, never tanning indoors, and protecting skin from the sun can also help to ensure the best results.

Skin tightening procedures are not intended for anyone who is pregnant, has an active skin infection, or takes certain medications.