Skincare/ Wellness

Beautiful woman with facial mask at beauty salon

Medical grade skin care products and full esthetician services. Learn more: LATISSE PRODUCTS SKINCEUTICALS PRODUCTS

BBL Photo Rejuvenation – IPL/BBL

young female with bright make-up

Benefits Over time, aging sun exposure, trauma & lifestyle factors can result in broken capillaries, diffuse red and brown spots. Laser or Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatments are non invasive and may produce lasting improvement for these problems, leading to a refreshed appearance. Photorejuvenation also effectively treats Rosacea, cherry red spots (angiomas) acne and freckles […]


Female in beauty salon getting treatment

Benefits Dramatically smoothes and reduces lines and wrinkles associated with expression. These lines are caused by repeated frowning and squinting commonly affecting frown lines, forehead lines and crow’s feet. Botox can also raise the eyebrows, soften lines around the lips, raise the corners of the mouth, and be effective for platysmal bands on the neck […]

Dermal Fillers

beautiful girl smiling

Benefits Restylane and Juvederm are dermal fillers that have been FDA approved for use in cosmetic treatments. These Injectable gels are very effective in correcting static wrinkles and softening deeper lines and folds. We use naturally occurring compounds that also help replenish and rehydrate the skin. Common uses include volume replacement, enhancement around the eyes, […]


procedure Plasmolifting injection

Benefits Dysport, a prescription injection proven to help smooth the appearance of moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows without changing the look or movement of the rest of your face. Untreated muscles still work normally, so you can continue to express feelings naturally. It’s the lines that disappear, not your expressions. How Does […]


Beautiful smiling woman on the beach

Benefits Kybella is an injectable treatment option that may be right for you if you are bothered by submental fullness (commonly known as a double chin) or fat found underneath the chin and along the jawline. The active ingredient in Kybella is deoxycholic acid, a molecule that is naturally found in our bodies and is […]

Lip Enhancement

Beautiful Young Woman Healthy Lips

Benefits Over time, lips tend to lose volume leading to a lack of definition of the lip borders. Small wrinkles around the lip margins lead to bleeding of lipstick radiating around from the lips. At times the corners of the mouth may droop further affecting the overall appearance of the lips. Revitalizing the lips can […]

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Young woman with hair loss problem receiving injection

Benefits PRP therapy helps to reduce hair loss in men and women by using a patient’s blood plasma platelets to accelerate the growth of hair. How does it work? PRP is a three-step medical treatment to combat hair loss from alopecia. First, a patient’s blood is drawn and processed to develop plasma. This plasma has […]


rejuvenation and hydration procedures

Benefits Xeomin has now been approved for some cosmetic indications – Moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows. Similar to other drugs in this category, including Botox and Dysport, that also have FDA approval for the treatment of facial wrinkles. Xeomin is the first one that does not need to be refrigerated before use, […]

Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser

Calm blonde woman lying on the couch during the beauty procedure

Benefits Halo by Sciton is the world’s first hybrid fractionated laser to improve wrinkles, pigmentation, sun damage, melisma and large pores. It uses an ablative and non-ablative laser to target years of skin damage and the visible signs of aging by evening out skin texture and tone. How Does it Work? Each laser wavelength can […]