
What is Aging? Many elements cause the skin to age. Genetics is a significant factor in intrinsic aging and is responsible for fine or visible lines, a loss of youthful fullness in the face, and a thinning and drying of the skin. Extrinsic aging is the premature aging of the skin caused by environmental and […]

What is Acne? Acne is a skin condition characterized by inflammation and excess oil production from sebaceous glands in which the hair follicles become plugged. Active bacteria deep within the pore break down the oil in sebaceous glands, causing inflammation and resulting in breakouts and blemishes. Several factors that relate to this condition include stress, […]
Acne Scarring

What is Scarring? Scars result in both changes in the texture and the color of the skin which include thick & raised or thin & indented skin. Various color changes may occur most commonly either hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation and less commonly redness. Acne scars may be particularly difficult to treat but some general measures may […]
Body Contouring

What is Body Contouring? Body contouring or body sculpting is a collection of non-surgical cosmetic treatments used to reveal a firm and toned body hidden underneath layers of fat or loose skin. Nonsurgical body contouring procedures aren’t intended to be weight loss solutions. Ideal candidates are close to their desired weight and want to eliminate […]
Double Chin / Jowls

What is Double Chin / Jowls? Localized fat under the chin along the jawline. Sagging cheeks and pouches of fat in the lower face. How do we Treat the Condition? Kybella injections reduce fat below and around the chin, the submental area and the neck. Helpful Procedures Forma Skin Tightening Kybella Morpheus8
Excessive Sweating

What is Excessive Sweating? Also known as Hyperhidrosis commonly occurs under the arms, hands and feet. Sweat glands are the body’s temperature regulator in this condition however sweating significantly exceeds the body’s normal requirement. Hyperhidrosis may negatively impact on ones quality of life and interfere with daily activities. How do we Treat the Condition? There […]
Facial Volume Loss

What is Loss of Facial Volume? This is characterized by hollowness under the eyes, on the cheeks, thinning lips, a hollow jaw line, or deep folds in the skin. A common problem with aging is the migration of the cheek fat pad down towards the mouth. Loss of elastic tissue in the skin, bone re-absorption, […]
Hair Loss ( Male and Female )

What is Hair Loss? Hair loss (alopecia) affects both men and women; however, it manifests differently depending on the sex. In men, hair loss typically begins above the temples, with the receding hairline eventually forming the characteristic “M” shape. Hair at the top of the head may also thin, often progressing to baldness. In women, […]
Melasma/ Pigmentation

What is Melasma? Commonly known as the mask of pregnancy it can also develop in non pregnant women. It is a light or dark brown pigmentation that occurs symmetrically in sun exposed areas of the face. Most commonly it affects the central part of the face including cheeks, nose and forehead. It occurs most often […]
Redness/ Rosacea

What is Rosacea? Rosacea is common inflammatory acne like skin condition. It presents as recurrent flushing, persistent redness, visible blood vessels and bumps on the skin. The condition most often affects the forehead, cheeks, nose & chin and less commonly it can affect the eyes or result in a disfiguring of the nose (Rhinophyma) which […]