The photofacial procedure uses intense pulses of visible light that effectively improve signs of sun damage, pigmentation, and aging. Treatments resolve issues like facial redness and flushing, acne, freckles, age spots, wrinkles and fine lines, small blood vessels, skin firmness, and uneven skin texture. With little recovery time and no surgery, photofacials offer a safe, FDA-approved option for sun damage, anti-aging, and skin rejuvenation.
How does it work?
Using a non-laser device, a series of gentle pulses of light, set to specific wave lengths, are applied to the skin. The wave lengths and settings are calibrated according to the specific issue, such as sun damage, pigmentation, flushing or redness, and wrinkles or fine lines.
Prep & Aftercare
Do not tan or use tanning products for at least 2 weeks prior to treatment. Use of Retinol, Retin A, Renova, glycolic acids and bleaching creams such as Hydroquinone should be discontinued 3-4 days before treatment. Use of Roaccutane within the last 12 months is prohibited. As a precaution, we are unable to treat clients who are pregnant or using photosensitizing medications.
After treatment, apply soothing aloe vera, wear sunscreen, and eliminate the use of astringents and retinols until the affected area is healed.
The focus area usually feels like a sunburn for 24-48 hours following treatment. It is recommended that you apply soothing aloe vera, wear sunscreen, and eliminate the use of astringents and retinols until the affected area is healed. Pigment will crust and flake off naturally in 7-14 days.
Depending on certain factors such as skin type, age, and environmental exposure, 1-2 treatments may be sufficient. A course of 3-4 treatments is recommended for stubborn pigmentation, diffuse redness or Rosacea. Treatments are performed at 3-4 week intervals until desired results are achieved.